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On-demand taxi management software to empower your business

Dreaming to become the best Uber-like on-demand app in your region? We’ve got the tools to get you there. Our all-in-one solution includes taxi Operator app, iOS / Android booking and driver apps, perfectly suitable for working with 40+ different service types, from delivery service to ambulance.

Get your company the power of giants!

At Onde, we know exactly what a daring startup — or an established traditional taxi company willing to automate — needs to become a market leader. Check out the vitally-important features for a ride-hailing service. 

white label apps for ios and android

Reliable Android & iOS apps

The whole idea of a ride-hailing service is that allows drivers and customers to connect via a functional and easy-to-use application. At Onde, we develop white-label Customer and Driver apps that are tailored to your business.

We take care of the whole development cycle, do all the testing, upload the apps to Google Play and App Store, and even app store optimize the apps so that they’d be easy to find in the stores. We also make sure the apps are regularly updated with new features to make your clients happy.


Supreme geocoding

The major difference between using a ride-hailing app and hailing a traditional taxi is that with an app you always know that the route will be optimal. No more vague rates, no more riding “tourist routes” and paying “touristic tariffs”. Precise geocoding makes it possible for a ride-hailing app to always choose the optimal way to ride from one point to another one.

Onde geocoding works picture-perfectly. The taxi drivers will know exactly what the pick-up point is and how to drive there, and the customers can see exactly where the cab is. And the operators can follow it all in real-time! 🙌

bank account receipt

Accepting diverse types of payments

The possibility to pay by card is surely a necessity for a ride-hailing app. Customers enjoy being given various payment options including cash, smartphone payments, and of course paying by card. Drivers love automated billing directly from their credit cards and having less theft-prone cash on them.

But maybe the most important is this: if your ride-hailing service accepts card payments, every trip payment made by card goes directly to the company’s bank account. And the more turnover the bank account shows, the more attractive your business is for the investors. 🤓 At Onde, we make sure your ride-hailing app will accept all types of payments one can think of.


Delivery service, bike-sharing, and more...

The easiest way for a ride-hailing app to get a bigger market share is to diversify the service types provided. Think of the examples of Grab, Uber or Gojek. Coming up with multiple services types available through one application — like delivery service, bike- or ride-sharing, emergency assistance, and even banking — is the way to get more clients attracted to your convenient apps.

Onde platform has 40+ service type options available right as we speak. However, if you dream of a space shuttle service type, or going to operate a fleet of autonomous vehicles available as taxicabs, do not hesitate to drop us a line. We’re always up to something new! 

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Comprehensible rates & fees

Realistic and clear rates are the reason customers prefer ride-hailing apps to traditional taxis. Accurate estimations of the ride costs shown on your smartphone screen before the pick up makes the lives of both drivers and customers prettier.

However, Onde ride-hailing software tackles more issues as it comes to billing. With it, you can automate driver commissions (per set period, per trip or number of trips) and payouts, and all the calculations will be transparent and reliable. No more unpleasant situations with customers or employees, ever.


In-app tipping

The feature of in-app tipping is there to get your taxi drivers more rewards for their work. Because people are more inclined to tip their driver when provided a one-click option to do this while making a trip, we’ve integrated this feature in our iOS and Android Customer apps.

Happier drivers provide better service, care more, and are more prone to advertise your company to potential employees. This all thanks to just one button!

taxi panel

Promo-codes for attracting new clients

Promo-codes are a powerful tool to widen your business’ customer base. The essence of it is automating the word-of-mouth marketing. Passengers who already use your ride-hailing services can share the promo-code generated by their app with their friends. Their friends can get a discount on their first ride with your service — so install your app to their smartphone.

So with every discount code given, you get more new users of your transportation services. And the most beautiful of it — Onde software allows managing promo actions in just a couple of clicks.


Marketing assistance and ASO maintenance

Speaking of marketing. At Onde, we realize how important it is to position your services right to get to the top of the transportation market. This is why we offer our clients add-on branding, digital marketing, and even app store optimization services. With our expertise, we know exactly what marketing techniques work the best for ride-hailing, and how to add this extra magic to your ad campaigns.


Ride-hailing apps tailored to your business

Whether you are to be the ride-hailing pioneer in your country or aiming to modernize a traditional taxi company and follow the examples of Grab, Uber, and Gett, Onde software solution will give you the power you need. Functional and lovable apps, effective My hub, a variety of payment options, a solution to automate the fleet management fully — this is what we offer you.