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Meanwhile, feel free to sign up for a free demo version.


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Here is what customers say about Onde


Used by 400+ businesses all over the world

Here’s what our partners say about why they chose Onde

Book a call

Driver App

iOS and Android Driver apps have everything your drivers need to accept orders. Online registration is easy, and the workflow is intuitive and easy to follow. The smart algorithm assigns orders in seconds for order distribution to be efficient and fair. Automated driver billing makes payouts a no-brainer. 

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Typical Limo Software

Onde white-label ride-hailing platform
Time to launch5-12 weeks3-5 weeks
Developer on your side required
Free product version
Hidden payments
Built-in payment gatewaysfor extra cost
Stabilityunstable99.98% uptime
App updates & maintenancefor extra cost
Mapsfor extra costunlimited for free
Apps’ brandingfor extra cost
Integrations through APIrarely, for extra costfree
Backend built-in
App Stores paid acquisition services
App Store Optimization
App stores launch support
Technical supportrarely, for extra costavailable for any plans

Onde vs. Yelowsoft_T

1 Compare main features, 2 Compare main features, 3 Compare main features, 4 Compare main features, 5 Compare main features, 6 Compare main features, 7 Compare main features, Compare main features

Demo availability
Free product version
Customer & Driver apps (iOS & Android)



Additional languages at extra cost

Ability to connect Delivery app
Operator app (Dispatch system)
Your branding
Admin management panel
  • Google Analytics
  • Appsflyer integration
  • Google Analytics
Marketing support
  1. Launch marketing services for free
  2. More marketing services for additional payment
App Store Optimization

On request

Payment gateways



Regular free system updates
Technical support

For all plans

For premium plans

Business model

One time fee, 
then flexible monthly % revenue share with no fleet size limits.

One-time fee, then subscription depending on the number of trips/month. Additional trips at extra cost.

See how Onde works

Book a call with our team to see if Onde is right for you

Book a call

Starting Up


Get basics. Build your business how you see it
What’s included

Your branded apps


Standard  App Store Optimization



Get your first customers from digital ads
What’s included

Your branded apps


Standard  App Store Optimization

*Available for a  limited list of countries
**Depends on a cost per app install in each particular case



Get your first customers and drivers from digital ads
What’s included

Your branded apps


Standard  App Store Optimization

*Available for a  limited list of countries
**Depends on a cost per app install in each particular case

My Expert


Long description here 1 Long description here 2 Long description here 3 Long description 4 Long description here 5 Long description here 6
What’s included

Your branded apps


Standard  App Store Optimization

*Available for a limited list of couriers plus some more text 1 Available for a limited list of couriers plus some more text 2 Available for a limited list of couriers plus some more text 3


