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23 Aug

Q&A session with Amit, the founder of Stroll: creating Guam’s leading ride-hailing platform

Friday, August 23rd 15.00 UTC

Join us for an exclusive interview with Amit, the founder of Stroll Guam, the island’s largest ride-hailing and mobility platform. Recently acquired by a major regional company, Amit will share how they achieved this milestone. We'll discuss launching a ride-hailing business, spotting market gaps, outshining competitors, and what’s next for the industry.


  • Liza Shvyndikova Lead Digital Marketer at Onde Onde
  • Amit Sachdev Founder of Stroll Stroll

    Amit Sachdev is the founder of Stroll - Guam’s leading ride-hailing and mobility platform that has been recently acquired by Triple J Enterprises.  At Stroll, Amit is responsible for hands-on management of daily company operations, digital marketing and online branding, as well as managing day-to-day operations in all divisions.

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