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  • Safety recommendations for drivers and passengers

Safety recommendations for drivers and passengers

Please, make sure to provide all the necessary activities to protect both drivers and passengers.

We all know that the spreading of COVID-19 can cause many inconveniences. We strongly believe that you and those around you safety is the most important thing to take care about. We also know that one of the safest means of transportation is a taxi.

That’s why we advise you to take extra measures in protecting employees and riders during the trip and make your service the one population can rely on.

For drivers

Avoid shaking hands

We all know that greetings are very important between people to show respect. In today’s circumstances the more respect you will show when avoiding physical contact with people. 

Wash your hands

Keep your hands clean all the time. Use soap and water as often as possible to wash hands after interacting with any people or objects. If there is no possibility to use water, use antiseptics to keep your hands, your wheel clean. Offer the cleansing to passengers as soon as they sit in the car.

Keep your car clean

Make sure to cleanse all the possible surface in the car, you or passengers interact with. Make sure to do it at least a couple times a day.

Don’t touch your face

Avoid touching your face, your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. 

Use tissues to cough or sneeze

When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bend of your elbow; immediately throw the napkin into the garbage container with a lid and treat your hands with an alcohol-containing antiseptic or wash them with soap and water.

Change clothes right after work

The peculiarity of the COVID-19 virus is that it can remain on the clothes for up to 12 hours. Make sure that your clothes are washed every day after work.

For passengers

Stay at home as long as possible

If you do not have a strong necessity to go somewhere, make sure to stay at home. If you have to travel, make sure to keep your distance from other people and keep your hands clean.

Wash hands

Keep your hands clean all the time. Use soap and water as often as possible to wash hands after interacting with any people or objects. If there is no possibility to use water, use antiseptics to keep your hands clean. 

Wear mask

If you don’t feel good, make sure to use masks. Please, do not keep it for more than two hours. Make sure that mask covers your nose and mouth. Do not touch it while wearing it. Throw out the mask right after taking it off and wash your hands.

Go alone

The bigger the group of people — the higher the risk of infection spreading. If possible, make sure to take a ride alone.

Don’t touch your face

Avoid touching your face, your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. 

Reach medical support if you feel bad

If you have and COVID-19 signs, be it shortness of breath, fever or dry cough — reach the medical help immediately.

In conclusion

As we all know, elder people and people with other illnesses are more sensitive to COVID-19. Make sure to take care of yourself, your beloved ones and friends.

Stay safe.

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