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Choose the best approach to managing your taxi company

Compare FREE ride-hailing Onde.Light software with other approaches to managing taxi business. 


Modernize your own taxi business with no risks involved

No investment required. Onde.Light software is risk-free.

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Explore apps and panels to see how Onde.Light can transform your taxi business.

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Compare main approaches to managing a taxi company

Helps to…

Receive orders via call center and use WhatsApp to manage orders and coordinate rides.

Receive orders via WhatsApp and distribute orders between drivers via WhatsApp groups and chat rooms.

Automate the order process and assign rides to drivers via a centralized software platform.

Book and complete orders via the mobile apps; track all company activity via operator app and admin dashboard.

Customers experience

Delays and long waiting times are common

Delays and long waiting times are common

Quick response times and reliable service

Very high:
Quick response times, reliable service, and user-friendly process

Driver Management

Difficult to track and manage drivers

Difficult to track and manage drivers

High: real-time tracking


Very high: real-time tracking, various management features

Order management

Errors and delays are common

Slow, errors and delays are common

Efficient order processing

Very high:
Seamless order processing

Payment Options

Limited to cash or card

Limited to cash or card

Limited to cash or card

All payment options available. Digital payments integrated.

Data Analytics

Hard to track and analyze data

Hard to track and analyze data

Analytics and reporting available


Very high: 
Advanced analytics and reporting

Data Security

Secure but relies on operator and driver integrity

All data is shared with Meta.

Secure systems with data protection measures

Very high:
Secure systems with data protection measures. Robust international security protocols


Limited scalability

Limited scalability

Limitless scalability

Limitless scalability

Marketing possibilities

Traditional marketing channels like radio, print, and word-of-mouth are available

Relies heavily on digital marketing and word-of-mouth within existing customer networks.

Both traditional and digital marketing channels are available.

Very high: 
Strong digital marketing potential. App store optimization, referral programs, discount coupons, online ads, and social media campaigns are easy to implement.

Brand building

Building a brand is more challenging due to the absence of branded apps and panels

Building a brand is more challenging due to the absence of branded apps and panels

Building a brand is possible, however, limited due to the absence of branded apps

Very high:
Strong brand presence and brand promotion is easy via the branded apps

Brand Trust and Credibility

Personal interaction encourages customer trust

Trust is built due to personal interaction but is limited by platform security concerns 

The seamlessness of automated systems ensures credibility and earned trust.

Very High:
Seamless app experience and user-friendly design build trust and credibility.

Setup Time



It takes time to search, purchase, and implement a dispatch system.

It takes time to search, purchase, and implement a ride-hailing solution.

Initial Setup Cost

No setup cost

No setup cost

Costs of acquiring a platform or developing a dispatching solution

Costs of purchasing a taxi platform or outsourcing app development 

Operational Costs

Call charges and salaries for operators

Internet costs and salaries for operators

Possible costs for platform upgrades and support

Possible costs for application upgrades and support

Revenue Control

Manual tracking of payments and rides

Revenue leaks and errors are common

Automated payment and revenue tracking

Very high:
Automated payment and revenue tracking, integrated payment systems

Helps to… Customers experience Driver Management Order management Payment Options Data Analytics Data Security Scalability Marketing possibilities Brand building Brand Trust and Credibility Setup Time Initial Setup Cost Operational Costs Revenue Control

Receive orders via call center and use WhatsApp to manage orders and coordinate rides.

Delays and long waiting times are common

Difficult to track and manage drivers

Errors and delays are common

Limited to cash or card

Hard to track and analyze data

Secure but relies on operator and driver integrity

Limited scalability

Traditional marketing channels like radio, print, and word-of-mouth are available

Building a brand is more challenging due to the absence of branded apps and panels

Personal interaction encourages customer trust


No setup cost

Call charges and salaries for operators

Manual tracking of payments and rides

Receive orders via WhatsApp and distribute orders between drivers via WhatsApp groups and chat rooms.

Delays and long waiting times are common

Difficult to track and manage drivers

Slow, errors and delays are common

Limited to cash or card

Hard to track and analyze data

All data is shared with Meta.

Limited scalability

Relies heavily on digital marketing and word-of-mouth within existing customer networks.

Building a brand is more challenging due to the absence of branded apps and panels

Trust is built due to personal interaction but is limited by platform security concerns 


No setup cost

Internet costs and salaries for operators

Revenue leaks and errors are common

Automate the order process and assign rides to drivers via a centralized software platform.

Quick response times and reliable service

High: real-time tracking


Efficient order processing

Limited to cash or card

Analytics and reporting available


Secure systems with data protection measures

Limitless scalability

Both traditional and digital marketing channels are available.

Building a brand is possible, however, limited due to the absence of branded apps

The seamlessness of automated systems ensures credibility and earned trust.

It takes time to search, purchase, and implement a dispatch system.

Costs of acquiring a platform or developing a dispatching solution

Possible costs for platform upgrades and support

Automated payment and revenue tracking

Book and complete orders via the mobile apps; track all company activity via operator app and admin dashboard.

Very high:
Quick response times, reliable service, and user-friendly process

Very high: real-time tracking, various management features

Very high:
Seamless order processing

All payment options available. Digital payments integrated.

Very high: 
Advanced analytics and reporting

Very high:
Secure systems with data protection measures. Robust international security protocols

Limitless scalability

Very high: 
Strong digital marketing potential. App store optimization, referral programs, discount coupons, online ads, and social media campaigns are easy to implement.

Very high:
Strong brand presence and brand promotion is easy via the branded apps

Very High:
Seamless app experience and user-friendly design build trust and credibility.

It takes time to search, purchase, and implement a ride-hailing solution.

Costs of purchasing a taxi platform or outsourcing app development 

Possible costs for application upgrades and support

Very high:
Automated payment and revenue tracking, integrated payment systems

Make the right choice for your taxi company

With multiple ways to manage your operations, choose a method that offers scalability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Try Onde.Light

Driver App

iOS and Android Driver apps have everything your drivers need to accept orders. Online registration is easy, and the workflow is intuitive and easy to follow. The smart algorithm assigns orders in seconds for order distribution to be efficient and fair. Automated driver billing makes payouts a no-brainer. 

Branded web solution for customers

With the web order solution, customers can order a taxi in just a few clicks. They can also make a pre-order for a specific time and leave comments for the driver. This simple web application is available in all browsers (mobile and desktop).

Passenger App

Coming soon! Leave your contacts and be the first to experience our new Customer app.

Operator panel

A browser-based system allows dispatchers to oversee and manage all ride orders efficiently. It collects and sorts orders by relevance, adds specific trip conditions, and allows to handle pre-orders.

Admin panel

Onde.Light’s admin panel My hub keeps track of all drivers, bookings, rates, and reports, and provides detailed business analytics. Monitor your drivers' performance, streamline your back-office operations, and make better business decisions backed by data. 

Onde.Light: a unique ride-hailing software that helps businesses get started for free.

Trusted by 7,000 taxi startups worldwide

Start, build, and grow your taxi business

with minimal investment and reinvest all their profits into growth.

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