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es 1 What to do to maintain user activity after launch

Your app going live is just the beginning of a fascinating journey into the mobile world. After the business is rolling on the right foot, it’s time to work on a strategy to maintain the activity and expand the customer community. Long story short, your company should develop a fact-based engagement and re-engagement plan. Fact-based, because ideally, all the decision-making needs to rely on the analytics.

Know what you’re measuring

Some companies tend to gather and analyse literally all data, while others prefer to throw things at the wall and see what sticks.

None of these approaches is clever. You have to know exactly what to measure, otherwise, you’ll sink in useless numbers. The lesson here is: know your key performance indicators for every marketing activity you begin.

The revenue is an important indicator of how well the app is doing. However, it is good to learn what exactly is attracting people and elaborate these features. If users are leaving, finding out at what point people do not come back to the app anymore is a must. Our inbuilt company analytics, Facebook analytics integration and iTunes Connect analytics are giving you a plenty of useful KPIs, such as: 

• Number of active users per period; 
• Reasons for orders cancellation; 
• User retention rate; 
• User lifetime value; 
• Referral campaigns engagement, costs and results. 

And many more. Concentrate on the metrics that matter at this very stage of the business development and think of the long-term success in the first place. 

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